1 Year Blog-anniversary Giveaway(s)
Great news! Today will start the marathon of giveaways.
The first blog annyversary is coming. The celebration date is July 30th.
The time passed very quick. I'm very happy to share my manicure passion with
you all my 1500 followers. Thanks for supporting me all this time!
A new giveaway will start every day at 5:00 PM(my time) and will be opened for
two weeks. You can enter one or all, it's your choice. You will need to go to the
giveaway's post to eneter it. I hope you will like, enter & share them with
your followers. I prepared them all esspecialy for you.
Day 1- Deborah Lippman giveaway (ends on July 30th)
Day 2- Glitter Gal giveaway (ends on July 31st)
Day 3- piCture pOlish giveaway (ends on August 1st)
Day 4- Essie giveaway (ends on August 2nd)
Day 5- Apothica giveaway (ends August 3rd)
Day 6- Chez Delaney Giveaway (ends on August 4th)
Day 7- UNIQSO giveaway (ends on August 5th)